We run into an interesting problem with Dojo 1.1 running on Firefox 3.0.5. The page works well on Firefox 2, IE 6/7, Safari 2/3, but once in a while, it does not load correctly on Firefox 3. It may also throw one or more JavaScript exceptions. For example, "failed loading undefined./currency.js with error: TypeError: this._getText is not a function".
My hunch is that it happens because dojo.require statements are not handled correctly. It is also possible that this issue is related to another issue reported on the Dojo forum: http://dojotoolkit.org/forum/dojo-foundation/general-discussion/firefox-3-fires-domcontentloaded-event-prematurely.
The good news is that we tested the problem on the alpha version of Firefox 3.2 (Minefield - http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/) and it seemed to be resolved. We also found a work-around to make Dojo 1.1 more stable on Firefox 3.0.5: loading base dojo libraries via script tags instead of the dojo.require function. The JavaScript exceptions still appear from time to time, but much more rarely.
If you have any insight into this issue, please, let us know. Your help would be very appreciated. Thank you. Happy coding!